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Tuesday, 24 April 2012

Acacia Strain - Servant in the Place of Truth (New Song 2012)

Artist: The Acacia Strain
Album: TBA
Genre: Metal/Hardcore
Year: 2012
Website: Facebook!
Bitrate: 256 kbps


1. Servant in the Place of Truth


 credits to Ghost.


willxcore said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

STOKED! The album is set to supposedly release in October of this year

Used to love TAS said...

Some people will probably get butt-hurt at what I have to say, but in my opinion this is pretty boring. Sure, it's heavy and what not, but it sounds like a continuation of Wormwood's repetitiveness and lack of melody. It's probably gonna contain more depressingly negative lyrics too (we fucking get it, Vincent). I wish they would write something more like The Dead Walk or Continent era. I thought they were starting to hone their craft and could progress much farther than this half-assed wannabe Meshuggah shit. Oh well, it's just one song...maybe they'll surprise me with the rest.

Anonymous said...

yep^ completely agree (other than the comment on the lyrics). actually this was probably written around when wormwood was released.

xBRINGtheHEAVYx said...

I agree with this song being a little boring. I love the heaviness though. And you above me, lol, you're probably right about this song being written around the time of Wormwood. I read an interview DL did the other day and he said they write a TON of songs before going into the studio. He said as soon as they get done recording he goes right back to writing and he's already got enough material for a new album but they (the band) aren't ready to go into the studio yet. Safe to say, I'm keeping my eyes and ears open for their new release. MAYBE it will have a little more variety than Wormwood, but I'll be content either way :P

Anonymous said...

Sounds better than wormwood in my opinion, but its god damn hard to be as good as continent so I'm happy with it as well

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