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Monday, 23 April 2012

Haste The Day - Best Of The Best (2012)

Artist: Haste The Day
Album: Best of The Best
Genre: Metal / Metalcore
Year: 2012
Website: Facebook!
Bitrate: 320 kbps


1. Blue 42
2. American Love
3. Fallen
4. Walk On
5. When Everything Fails
6. Pressure The Hinges
7. Stitches
8. Chorus Of Angels
9. 68
10. Mad Man
11. Autumn
12. Dog Like Vultures
13. Travesty



Anonymous said...

My all time favorite. I'm still so so sad they ended especially after releasing Attack of the Wolf King. Sooo good.

Anonymous said...

I'm still waiting for a void to be filled.

Anonymous said...

Phinehas does a pretty good job filling that void for me

Anonymous said...

Hah, that's awesome. My brother was just talking to me about Phinehas. I agree, they're pretty sick.

Anonymous said...

The guitarist from haste the day aotwk was originally from phinehas. he went back and wrote the guitar for them.

Anonymous said...

RIP Haste The Day. So many good songs on this record. Although I would have liked to see 'Closest Thing To Closure' and 'Substance' on this record. First two discs were beast.

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