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Saturday, 28 April 2012

Reflections - The Fantasy Effect

Artist: Reflections
Album: The Fantasy Effect
Genre: Progressive Metalcore/Deathcore/Djent
Year: 2012
Website: Facebook!
Bitrate: 320 kbps


1. Ceilings
2. Ms. Communication
3. Good Push
4. Picture Perfect
5. An Artifact
6. Advance Upon Me Brethren
7. Lost...
8. ...And Found
9. Rotations
10. Sandblasted Skin (Pantera Cover)

For Fans Of: Born of Osiris, Structures, Veil of Maya



Anonymous said...

complete with jawdropping guitar solos, bone shattering breakdowns and groove, and the drums are much more complicated than your average up and coming band. the vocals have lots of passion and great lyrics too.

ryanimosity said...

^ You must either be a reviewer or just love the fuck out of this.

Anonymous said...

This is fuckin' heavy.

xXBoxcar182Xx said...

"Advance Upon Me Brethren" haha.

Heard these guys a while ago, didn't mind what I heard but never thought to look for more stuff.

Looking forward to hearing it.

Unknown said...

Wow, this is actually really fucking good, and I rarely say that about most new bands. Maybe cuz it's just so damn heavy lol.

Anonymous said...

love the fuck out it and know people download things with good comments and dint want this one to go unheard to anyone who is doubting the genre lately. Nomsayn mawfkin mawfka? :D

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