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Sunday 13 May 2012

The Afterimage - The Void (SINGLE) (2012)

Artist: The Afterimage
Genre: Progressive Metal
Year: 2012
Website: Facebook!
Bitrate: 192 kbps


1. The Void

Kyle from Centuries Apart's new band, this is absolutely SICK!
this will be up on itunes on May 15th, so support these dudes and buy it!



Anonymous said...

this is absolutely insane.

Poondizzler said...

are these guys as good as the band who is just called Afterimage? cause they were solid

Anonymous said...

Slightly different genre but still really good.

Anonymous said...

dont know how you guys found this good. huge step behind from centuries if you ask me.

Alex V said...

sick! vocalist compliments this so well. props to these guys!

Anonymous said...

so crazy

Anonymous said...

definatly a step up. great production

Anonymous said...

A step behind? Wahaha! wow.
Somebody obviously doesn't have a musical ear by that silly comment! I think somebody's behind on music in general :)

Anonymous said...

generic shit

Anonymous said...

^^^^ Your comment is generic shit

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