Artist: Periphery
Album: Periphery II: This Time It's Personal
Genre: Djent/Progressive Metal
Year: 2012
Website: Facebook!
Bitrate: VBR
1. Muramasa
2. Have a Blast (ft. Guthrie Govan)
3. Facepalm Mute
4. Ji
5. Scarlet
6. Luck as a Constant
7. Ragnarok
8. The Gods Must Be Crazy!
9. Make Total Destroy
10. Erised (ft. John Petrucci)
11. Epoch
12. Froggin' Bullfish
13. Mile Zero (ft. Wes Hauch)
14. Masamune
was listening to this on Metal Injection. Thought it was pretty average. Disappointing really
Now this is something I can appreciate, I knew these guys had potential! I never would've expected Mr. Halpern to have taken the drums to such a level of technicality though XD, he's going fucking insane on this whole thing!
does anyone else pick up hints of from first to last era sonny moore vocals in parts of spencer's vocals? especially in Ji.
pretty disappointed, especially after the potential the icarus ep showed. i think i like the first two songs off that more than this album
Anonymous 2,4,5 are you drunk? Seriously. The first CD was ALL MISHA. This is an entire band creating something absolutely incredible that totally blew the last CD and EP out of the water. Sorry there aren't enough groovy breakdowns for you. Better yet, what exactly do you find that is considered "amazing music"?
I enjoyed the cd but it was a one time listener for me, vocals are abit over the top at times and as creative and talented they are as a band i cant help but feel they have lost themselves some balls! 6/10...just my opinion which everyone is entitled to their own
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